Supply Chain World Volume 11, Issue 3 2024 | Page 47

Efficient and responsive engineering
“ Having all the expertise and various methodologies of process engineering inhouse is the key to Identiv IoT ’ s leading ‘ timeto-market ’, another competitive advantage ,” Amir adds . “ Our ability to guide customers through the journey from product design to prototype , pilot , small ramp , and then mass production is a key differentiator in the market . Additionally , this process is much quicker than average ; this combination further differentiates Identiv IoT .”
A focus on healthcare and pharma
From a segment perspective , the healthcare industry is one of Identiv IoT ’ s key focus areas . This includes pharmaceuticals , medical devices , and healthcare smart packaging . The solutions enable real-time visibility into the entire life cycle of products from manufacturing to disposal . This brings immense relief to overworked staff in the industry , allowing for more valuable face-toface time engaging with patients . Patient safety and well-being are the top priority , and Identiv IoT ’ s solutions provide precision and accuracy in tracking and verifying pharmaceuticals .
“ Our smart packaging solutions in healthcare and pharma make a true difference ,” Amir states . “ Our award-winning Spoken Rx™ solution , originally developed for CVS Pharmacy , allows visually impaired patients to have their prescription information read aloud by tapping an encoded RFID tag that is attached to their prescription bottle . This solution has already been deployed in over 10,000 pharmacies in the US .”
Condition monitoring for enhanced safety
Identiv IoT ’ s condition monitoring solutions are particularly impactful in the
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