Supply Chain World Volume 11, Issue 3 2024 | Page 48

healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors . By using RFID and BLE technologies , the company ’ s solutions provide real-time data on temperature , humidity , and other environmental conditions . This ensures the integrity of perishable goods and medications throughout the supply chain , from production to delivery .
“ There is a growing demand for condition monitoring solutions ,” Amir explains . “ Our technology tracks and authenticates the lifecycle of a product , measuring temperature , moisture , and humidity levels encountered throughout the cold chain . This is crucial for compliance and safety of perishable items .”
Transforming supply chains
Identiv IoT ’ s smart packaging solutions bring several benefits , including full inventory and supply chain visibility and control , increased product safety , enhanced patient experience , secure and safe patient connectivity , and improved therapy adherence . This saves time and resources through smart and safe self-care solutions . “ Some applications for pharma and healthcare can also be adapted for other segments , such as specialty smart packaging ,” Amir continues . “ For example , in the industrial sector , RFID tags with tamper control function as digital seals . This includes condition monitoring with authentication features . Attaching tamper tags to packaging allows for real-time condition monitoring and location tracking , sending alerts if the package is opened , damaged , or stolen .”
Partnerships and innovations
Identiv IoT ’ s smart packaging solutions are transforming entire supply chains . Its innovations maximize global supply chain capabilities for consumers , retailers , manufacturers , and distributors .
“ We work with many partners to leverage our combined knowledge and offer the best possible solutions ,” Amir says . “ One such partner is Wiliot , an ambient IoT data carrier platform using battery-free smart tags that push data to the cloud for real-time