Supply Chain World Volume 11, Issue 3 2024 | Page 46


As a global designer , developer , and manufacturer in the Internet of Things ( IoT ), Identiv IoT is at the forefront of IoT device innovations and solutions . Embedded in over 1.5 billion IoT applications worldwide , Identiv IoT technology transforms everyday objects into smart , connected devices , making a significant impact on the global digital landscape .

By equipping physical objects with their own digital identities , Identiv IoT facilitates seamless connectivity between the physical and digital worlds , driving global innovation and empowering businesses worldwide . Supply Chain World speaks to Amir Khoshniyati , Executive Vice President and General Manager at Identiv IoT , to gain insight into its history and plans .
Innovative solutions for enhanced efficiency
Identiv IoT offers holistic , full-circle specialty IoT solutions that enhance efficiency across various industries . The company ’ s solutions provide real-time visibility into entire supply chains , from manufacturing to disposal , ensuring increased profits , streamlined operations , and automated , reliable systems . This is particularly beneficial in pharmaceutical , medical , and other compliance-driven applications , where added safety and sustainability are paramount . are crucial for perishable foods and medications destined for healthcare facilities and patients .
Complemented by its powerful bitse . io connecting cloud , Identiv IoT can deliver complete , customized experiences that cater to customers ’ unique needs . The company swiftly responds to client requirements , constantly pushing the boundaries of IoT technology and ensuring the highest quality in its products .
“ We design our IoT devices to operate in adverse environments and carry through with the lifecycle of products ,” Amir begins . “ This includes operating in extreme temperatures , on-metal applications , and environments where liquids may be present . We ensure that our products ’ performance in challenging conditions is best-in-class and not only functional in a standard sterile environment without interference . This sets us apart .
Advanced technologies for diverse applications
Identiv IoT ’ s technologies include High- Frequency ( HF ), Near Field Communication ( NFC ), and Ultra-High Frequency ( UHF ) Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) tags , catering to a variety of consumer and brand engagement applications . Additionally , Identiv IoT ’ s Bluetooth Low Energy ( BLE ) solutions , including Wiliot Ambient IoT-based condition monitoring ,