We ’ re very intentional about fostering a culture of appreciation and shared recognition
What ’ s your working culture like ? HSM today looks and feels quite different from the HSM of several years ago , and I love to talk about our team ’ s internal contributions to the company ’ s growth and evolution . Ours is a lean , nimble and truly diverse team - and I don ’ t just mean diversity in terms of our geography or background . I mean that our range of experience across HSM is truly unique . We have traditional procurement talent on our team , certainly , but we also have colleagues who have joined us from various brands , from HR , from marketing and from other industries . We have folks that grew up in hospitality and know hotel operations working alongside folks that came from retail , or logistics , or management consulting . Our intentional focus on talent diversification has created this collaborative , problem-solving mindset that I have not encountered anywhere else that I ’ ve worked .
Our team-driven , solutions-oriented approach makes a significant difference in how we show up to our customers , and every time I speak with a customer , they tell me that they feel the ‘ HSM difference .’ These are the intangibles you get when working with HSM - this combination of our industry expertise , our hospitality heritage , and the incredible diversity of perspectives and problem-solving skills - and that ’ s what keeps our customers coming back .
I also think this culture of collaboration and outside-the-box thinking is what keeps our team members engaged and invested with the organization . We ’ re very intentional about fostering a culture of appreciation and shared recognition , from the shoutout section in HSM ’ s bi-monthly newsletter to the group excursions and celebrations we take part in , such as our team ’ s recent participation in the Washington , DC Pride Parade . Supply chain business is challenging , thought-provoking work , and we recognize the vital importance of having fun together . Our commitment to employee engagement is reflected in our designation as number two on Fortune ’ s list of Great Places to Work in the US Hilton has also achieved top workplace honors in more than a dozen other countries around the world , which serves as a testament , I think , to our organization ’ s tangible investment in the cultivation of an affirming , inclusive and engaging workforce culture .