______________________________________________________________________________ Hilton Supply Management
back that far . Longevity like that is really incredible in this day and age - and it brings the stability , the expertise and the camaraderie that our customers recognize as the HSM difference . Beyond a doubt , our ability to navigate the complexities of the past few years is a testament to the strength of our supplier relationships and their investment in our partnership .
And , that ’ s a dynamic that we seek to ‘ pay forward ’ with our suppliers , connecting them with all the access and benefits afforded by our scale and global reach . Working with HSM means that your programs are relevant around the globe . Where we exist , you exist . So as a supplier , we try to make it a nobrainer to team up with a global procurement house like HSM , whether that ’ s partnering on sustainable initiatives , anticipating new solutions to comply with public policies or keeping a close finger on the pulse of evolving consumer trends so we can adapt our products and services accordingly .
HSM is also leading the industry with its award-winning Supplier Diversity program , which led Hilton to spend more than $ 334 million with small and diverse suppliers in 2022 . Earlier this year , HSM ranked number three on DiversityInc ’ s ‘ Top Companies for Supplier Diversity ’ list - the only hospitality company represented - and this is a space where we are continuing to heavily invest the resources , energy and infrastructure to create a more level playing field for small and diverse businesses across the globe .
Ultimately , we work to maintain awareness of our interconnectedness with the suppliers , manufacturers and distributors who keep the supply chain moving , and we strive to serve as trusted advisors to every partner within our global network . Almost daily , we receive a note of appreciation from one of our suppliers emphasizing their regard for our partnership , and to me , these affirmations of shared value illustrate more about our culture here than any metric or measurement possibly could .
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