Supply chain World Volume 9 Issue 11 Lee Protheroe.pdf | Page 79

Cardinal Health believes in anchoring its commercial efforts on improving the customer experience ( and thus drive company growth ), when the pandemic hit , the healthcare titan worked hard to identify areas of need where it could pivot to help .

“ When Japan was having marked difficulties in procuring syringes for its Covid-19 vaccination program , we began manufacturing syringes at our Fukuroi plant ,” reveals Tanja . “ This was incredibly important for the program , and we not only lived up to our brand promise of being essential to care , but we also found an opportunity to grow our business in a new area .
“ Another example is how we worked with the provincial government of Quebec , in Canada , to provide N95 masks for all their hospitals ,” she adds . “ We had a deep understanding of our customer ’ s needs and were able to secure this key contract by being customer-centric , leveraging relationships , and working together across functions as one team , which contributed to success .”
At this point in the conversation , it is clear that the pandemic and all the highs and lows of the last two years have become a source of great contemplation for Tanja . After a pause , she goes on : “ What has touched me deeply is not only the level of commitment and care from healthcare professionals over the last two years , but also the fact that they stopped to thank us for our support and the role we play in patient care .
“ We all know that global supply chains across all industries have been very constrained , and our supply chain partners stood up to be counted when it mattered most , securing the fastest product flow to our customers ,” Tanja details . “ The support of our partners enabled us to come up with new ways of working to continuously mitigate new challenges , enabling us to keep supporting our customers across our international footprint .
“ While the pandemic is mostly behind us , our environment is evolving and different challenges are cropping up and gaining further momentum ,” she notes . “ Yet , it is important that we take on board the lessons from the last two years and continue to strengthen both our resilience and agility . It is also important to acknowledge the great work that has been done and say thank you to our customers , partners , and teams , whose collective effort have supported patients .”
Though it has come through the pandemic strongly , Cardinal Health International Medical Product and Distribution was not immune to the
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