By connecting with our custombuilt technology , our expansive worldwide network and our team of dedicated customs experts , we offer a seamless e-commerce delivery experience for you and your customers .
E-commerce Specialists Market Leader into Canada Duty & Tax Estimation Simple Integration Worldwide Fulfillment the next few years ,” Larry states . “ Currently , we ’ re seeing a significant shift back to stores , with the balance between in-store and online beginning to stabilize . However , those figures are different by brand : e-commerce penetration is higher in our adult brands than it is in Hollister , which reflects how those target customers shop .
“ Depending on how the next generation of teenagers shop , we need to be prepared to flex ,” he insists . “ As a team , we ’ ve completely changed our people , processes and tools across the organization to lean into this , organizing ourselves in an agile fashion around the customer journey . For instance , we have a team that ’ s solely focused on the checkout experience , whether you ’ re in stores or online , and how we optimize that experience . Our supply chain team then works with our agile squads to make sure we ’ re delivering fulfillment capabilities that ‘ wow ’ our customers .”