Supply chain World Volume 9 Issue 11 Lee Protheroe.pdf | Page 58

Cover Story

As mentioned previously , Conagra has already begun to implement plant-based serving bowls across select product lines , which have avoided an estimated 23 million pounds of plastic , while also driving $ 1 billion in sales . Another example Ale is keen to highlight is the transformation of Swiss Miss ’ Coco Powder packaging .
“ We were the first major hot cocoa brand to move to a cubical shape instead of the conventional cylindrical one ,” he says . “ The shape of a product affects everything – how you build and stack pallets , space utilization in transport , and the amount of stock that can be stacked on shelves . By altering the shape of the packaging , we managed to completely change the carbon footprint of the product , making Swiss Miss better for the environment and more profitable .”
The new Swiss Miss easy-to-grip container is made of recyclable plastic and features a space-efficient cube design that is said to reduce the carbon footprint associated with manufacturing and transportation by 15 percent – the same as avoiding emissions expelled by driving 243,176 miles .
“ Each sustainability initiative makes sense for both the planet and the business ,” concludes Ale . “ That interconnection is powerful , and we will continue to invest in this dynamic space going forward . But we will also continue to play the game we are currently winning , and that means continuing to innovate , grow , and listen to consumer demand . Everything comes down to digitizing and improving operations across the supply chain .” ■
www . conagrabrands . com