Supply Chain World Volume 11, Issue 2 | Page 41

Cardinal Health™ Medical Products and Distribution

Advancing a resilient , evolving supply chain

We ’ re optimizing a supply chain that is resilient , flexible and fast-moving — and continually evolving . We ’ ve invested in employee expertise , physical space and innovations that add automation , enhance data and planning capabilities , and strengthen employee experience . At Cardinal Health , we strive to help you meet your supply chain needs today and tomorrow .
Autonomous mobile robots ( AMRs ) have led to increases in safety , service , quality , efficiency and employee satisfaction .
Kinaxis ® Advanced Planning Software provides end-to-end network visibility to predict and help prevent disruptions .
Healthcare Industry Resilience Collaborative ( HIRC ) Transparency badge recognizes our continuous efforts and commitments to supply chain transparency and resiliency .
To learn more , contact your Cardinal Health sales representative or visit cardinalhealth . com / medicaldistribution
© 2024 Cardinal Health . All rights reserved . CARDINAL HEALTH and the Cardinal Health LOGO are trademarks of Cardinal Health and may be registered in the US and / or in other countries . All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners . Patent cardinalhealth . com / patents . Lit . No . 2USMD24-2797785 ( 02 / 2024 )