Supply Chain World Volume 10, Issue 3 Volume 10, Issue 3 | Page 73

___________________________________________________________________________________________ Banner Health
services . As and when we are looking to source contracts in their specific sectors , this system provides a quick and easy way to find prospective businesses with which to work .”
“ What I love most about my role ,” concludes Doug Bowen , Senior Vice President of Supply Chain Services , “ are the endless opportunities to help caregivers save lives every day . Back in college , my first job was stocking shelves at a local hospital , and I remember one day I was in the Emergency Department , when an ER physician ran into the supply room looking for a particular product . I quickly grabbed it and placed it in his hand , and he looked me in the eye and said , ‘ strong work !’ From that day on I knew I wanted
to base my career in supply chain , so I could care for our caregivers .
“ Banner Health is working tirelessly to take access and delivery , from complex to easy , from costly to affordable , and from unpredictable to reliable . We instill confidence in every individual who we serve , in their health care experience and its outcome . The entire supply chain team is working hard to create a culture where supply expense is everyone ’ s business , so that , consequently , every single member of our team is fully engaged in helping to make health care more accessible . We are striving to be the most trusted health partner in the US .” ■
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