Supply Chain World Volume 10, Issue 3 Volume 10, Issue 3 | Page 72

well as being the primary contact for all of its vendors . “ We work to address factors such as supply issues , vendor performances , and savings opportunities ,” Mike explains , “ but what I love the most about working for Banner Health , is our supply chain team . We work really hard , but still have fun whilst doing it , all with the primary goal of supporting the company mission : making health care easier , so life can be better .
“ With regards to our sourcing process , we utilize Premier as our national Group Purchasing Organization ( GPO ), which includes a large number of contracts spanning from medical , and surgical to food , and pharmacy . Back in 2018 , Banner Health established its own regional GPO called Supply Chain Value Network , to further expand its contract coverage . This can be used not only by ourselves , but by any affiliates who choose to join it .
Trusted healthcare partner
“ Over the past year or so ,” he elaborates , “ our focus has shifted towards further developing our supplier diversity program . In doing so , the company has implemented measures to track its diversity spend , and to continually look for opportunities to increase it . Throughout this process , we have also launched a portal that allows potential new suppliers to submit pertinent contact information , as well as the details of their products and