Supply chain World Volume 9 Issue 11 Lee Protheroe.pdf | Page 114

Talon Logistics Talon Logistics ( Talon ) has been supporting Lubrizol as a strategic transportation partner for over ten years , by utilizing a blended approach with its 3PL services and asset-based solutions to fully service Lubrizol ’ s transportation needs . Talon positions assets to assist Lubrizol with a variety of services including plant to warehouse shuttles , as well as intermodal drayage for imports and exports . It leverages both the 3PL and assets arms of our business to provide plant to plant delivery , and solutions for delivery to Lubrizol ’ s customers , which provide reliability and competitive pricing .

Talon strives to offer transportation solutions at every level for Lubrizol . It has become the house carrier at a high-volume warehouse to provide a single source truckload transportation solution for Lubrizol . This move allowed it to eliminate a pain point for the warehouse as well as the transportation team at Lubrizol . Therefore , ensuring freight was moving without fail during difficult times in the industry and continues today . Talon and Lubrizol are constantly working together , striving to provide flexible and tailored solutions that effectively meet the ever-changing landscape in the transportation industry .