Supply Chain World Volume 11, Issue 6 December 2024 | Page 34




With a total commitment to tailored service , Warehow has quickly become a trusted logistics partner for UK businesses big and small

Just three years since its inception , Warehow has become one of the UK ’ s most versatile providers of flexible marketplace fulfillment services . Originally founded as part of the We Are Pentagon Group , the company is now a reliable partner to some of the fashion industry ’ s biggest name brands , as Chief Executive Officer , Pete Harris , begins : “ Warehow is a UK-based business , focused on helping businesses store and ship their products . Our focus is on delivering goods directly to customers or small business clients . We specialize in handling orders from online marketplaces and stores , such as eBay , Shopify , John Lewis , and Next . Primarily , but not exclusively , the company focuses on servicing the ever-growing fashion and small home sectors , although , in reality we are increasingly becoming sector agnostic .

“ Incorporated in late 2021 , Warehow was initially incubated in the We Are Pentagon Group . The team behind Warehow started providing dropshipping services for Sports Direct as part of a wider marketplace e-commerce solution in 2018 . Since then , our leadership team has scaled and exited successful businesses within e-commerce logistics .