_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Renovotec
genuinely fulfill all their requirements . For instance , if customers require wireless installations in a warehouse , other companies may offer similar services , but they won ’ t handle the contracts themselves . Instead , this will be handled by third party contractors . Where we stand out is that we excel in various areas , such as voice solutions , robotics , data capture , and industrial print support . And while companies often outsource these tasks , we send out our own engineers to personally visit the sites . Another problem that customers repeatedly experience is the frustration associated with troubleshooting device issues . When they call companies and describe a problem with their scanner , for example , they might hear conflicting explanations from different sources . The device manufacturer may blame the network , while the network provider may point fingers at the device . However , we take all these factors into account . We provide hardware solutions for software providers , and when customers contact us with an issue , we analyze the situation and determine whether it ’ s a network or software problem . Instead of simply redirecting the problem back to the client , we collaborate with our software partners to find a resolution . We believe in providing a comprehensive support system rather than leaving the client to figure it out themselves . In other words , we are a one-stop shop , filling in the gaps as we identify them . This extends beyond the national market , as we have established offices in the Netherlands and Gothenburg to cater to our clients ’ needs in Europe post- Brexit . To broaden our reach , we have
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