Supply Chain World Volume 10, Issue 5 Volume 10, Issue 5 | Page 31

However , the PE house sold off the Office Depot brand to a UK competitor , leading to a change of ownership that saw us return to the Viking brand across Europe . In October 2021 , we were purchased as a brand by a French organisation called RAJA Group , which is the leading packaging business in Europe . So , we are now known as Viking , part of the larger RAJA Europe Group , and are the largest in the UK for online distribution of office supply products . In the UK and Ireland combined , we currently turn over circa £ 200 million , with 85 percent of that revenue being generated from our online website : viking-direct . co . uk
“ 2023 has been a year of great change for us with the launch of four important initiatives . The first one is that we are looking to reintroduce corporate accounts to our portfolio to expand our customer base in the stationery market . We sold that part of the business in 2020 but re-entered that market this year with an enhanced team led by Peter D ’ Amery , Sales Director . Secondly , our largest project for this year is improving our customer service . Before this year , only 20 percent of our customer service team was based in the UK , with the other 80 percent working from South Africa . As of March 2023 , we are fully based in the UK with teams in Oldham and our head office in Leicester headed up by senior leader Julia Martin . Thus , we are not only able to respond to all queries from our customers in the UK and Ireland , but we are also able to have real conversations with them . This was a very successful project as we are already seeing better customer
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