Supply Chain World Volume 10, Issue 5 Volume 10, Issue 5 | Page 27

For instance , when determining safety stock levels , many companies tend to focus solely on demand fluctuations . However , it is crucial to consider supply variations as well . Even with access to data and the Internet of Things ( IoT ), individuals lacking this core understanding often rely solely on the ups and downs of the forecast without factoring in the supply aspect of the equation , so will often make incorrect decisions .
Digitalization is about more than just data and visuals . It streamlines long supply chains , making them smaller and shorter with the aim of reducing complexity . Yet , as we embrace this digital revolution , we cannot forget the vital role of humans . Critical thinking , strategic decision-making , and proactive supply chain management are all essential skills to succeed in the digital landscape . Bridging the digital vs . core skills gap requires a transformative approach that combines training for both senior and junior professionals , enabling the transfer of skills across the field .
Failure to do so can be disastrous , leaving them vulnerable to being outpaced by competitors . Nokia ’ s downfall serves as a cautionary tale- once a leading communications company , unable to adapt to the digital market , they were left behind by the overwhelming success of tech giants like Apple and Samsung .
By embracing this duallayered approach - vertical competence intertwined with digital prowess - we can foster a new era of supply chain professionals with the holistic knowledge needed to excel in this digital world .
Getting training right
Traditionally , training programs involved physically attending courses that stretched up to four days , where trainees had to endure lengthy agendas all day long without any guarantee of learning something new . Though digital resources like YouTube now offer information , they often lack crucial ‘ how-to ’ guidance . For instance , does utilizing big data , involve hiring an army of data scientist graduates , or spending a fortune on some kind of technology ? Pinpointing the ‘ how ’ can be the difference between success and failure for individuals , teams , or whole organizations and often lack in traditional training .
Developing and delivering training tailored into small , manageable chunks is so important . Over half of those surveyed ( 52 percent ) believe personalized e-learning programs are crucial if leaders want to upskill their teams and make the most of innovative technologies , now and in the future . Humans sit at the heart of effective digital transformation and striking a balance between IT literacy and core skills continues to be an indispensable factor ensuring triumph in the digital landscape . ■
Adrian Preston www . skilldynamics . com
Adrian Preston is Head of Supply Chain Content at Skill Dynamics , a leading provider of digital procurement and supply chain training that offers high-impact continuous learning that ’ s personalized by role and skill level and is delivered at scale . Its industry beating content , innovative technology and cognitive science gives procurement and supply chain teams the real-world skills they need to excel , helping to accelerate performance and ensure their business is fit for the future .
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