Supply Chain World Volume 10, Issue 3 Volume 10, Issue 3 | Page 82

JEA ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
of its clean energy goals . “ There are tons of opportunities ,” Alan goes on . “ In fact , it will likely include technologies that have not been invented yet . But solar is going to be key .
“ We are working hard to figure out its applicability and precisely how it can benefit customers . In doing so , we are drawing closer to utilizing carbon-free energy sources .
“ We have been in contact with several solar farms already . It is a really exciting time to be at JEA ; we cannot wait to see what the future will bring .” Alan also informs us that JEA is gaining momentum in its promotion of electric vehicles . The Jacksonvillebased not-for-profit has even started to host events with neighboring agencies to champion the green cause .
Map , measure and mitigate
For Jenny , JEA ’ s future must be one that mitigates risk . “ In the next few years , I see us as a company that is constantly growing , but also one that can continue to tap into its robust partner and supplier network to facilitate mutual expansion . The past few years of disruptions have driven a need to ensure communications are open and transparent . We need to build a plan to map , measure , and mitigate together .
“ I ’ d like for us to continue to be more aware of what is happening in the market , be stronger in analytics , faster to market and quicker to react to changes . Most importantly , continuing to be guided by the company values and mission as we tackle challenges . There will be a lot of change over the next five years and with that comes opportunities .
“ We will continue to refine our supplier risk program and see that grow with each pass , as well as continue to grow the team ’ s talents and diversity of skills they bring to the table . Automation will undoubtedly be key as we grow , and we will look to embrace a future way of doing business – not just internally , but externally within our local communities .
“ I see us only getting better and better ,” Jenny concludes . ■
www . jea . com