Supply Chain World Volume 10, Issue 3 Volume 10, Issue 3 | Page 62

root cause to problems , we have a deeper understanding of the issue and what we need to work on to prevent it reoccurring .
Constant improvement
“ One of our recent challenges , for example , was inventory control and transaction integrity on the factory floor . We broke it down into smaller components to assess how the process was currently running versus how we wanted it to perform in the long term . Then we looked at various facts , research , and data , and put tools in place to help the team be more efficient in their day-to-day activities . Crenlo ’ s culture is all about bias to action .
“ We now have a production schedule attainment meeting every single day , so that everyone in the team is aware of ongoing and upcoming production ,” Ed reveals . “ Someone could pick a random day in
March , for instance , and because of those
Product Design & Development
• Prototyping
• Thin Gauge Thermoforming
• Heavy Gauge Thermoforming
• Assembly
• Cnc Robotic Trimming
Plastic Thermoforming for Industry Leaders
• Complete Metal to Plastic Conversion Services
218-829-3457 info @ lindarcorp . com 7789 Hastings Road , Baxter , MN 56425
www . lindarcorp . com meetings , I ’ d be able to tell you exactly what the product attainment was for that day in any of our facilities . As we get smarter and continue attacking the root cause of any problem , I believe we ’ re getting stronger every day .”
Like many businesses , Crenlo has not escaped the numerous hardships facing the industry in the last few years . “ When Covid hit , we went from having a six-to-seven percent growth year to a 65 percent drop in volume practically overnight ,” Ed reflects . “ Everything seemed to pause for around a year or so , but luckily business picked up again in the fall of 2020 , and two years later , I ’ d say we ’ re probably now coming to the end of our recovery phase . “ Then we were faced with the issue of steel supply shortages and all our suppliers reacted differently . Having had long-standing relationships with some of these companies , they understood the importance of just-intime deliveries . We were also able to offer them the opportunity of supplying additional products like various shapes of laser-cut parts .