Supply Chain World Volume 10, Issue 3 Volume 10, Issue 3 | Page 50

committed to making unique products that can be appreciated by the customer alongside their functionality and performance . For example , while specifications for wireless communication are defined by international standards , Alps Alpine believes there is always leeway to incorporate uniqueness . By instilling uniqueness into quality control , usability can also be enhanced . Today , around 60 percent of standard navigation and audio systems pre-installed in cars are equipped with wireless communication modules for connection to smartphones . Roughly 40 percent of these are Alps Alpine products . This impressive share of a considerably standardized market is evidence of how much Alps Alpine ’ s customers value its products .
The last , but by no means least , of the three traits is green . Alps Alpine considers the
In April 2023 , General Motors ( GM ) named Alps Alpine as a 2022 Supplier of the Year environmental burden of its components over the long term , from product creation to recycling . It works to create products that have a low impact on the environment during use as well as when decommissioned and recycled into new resources .
Alps Alpine makes ongoing improvements in production technology that not only incorporate environmentally sound materials but also contribute to energy savings in the end product . For example , the business has developed power inductors that make use of a proprietary low-loss material , Liqualloy™ , to reduce the amount of power lost as heat . By supplying efficient inductors , Alps Alpine hopes to help reduce energy consumption and contribute to lightening the environmental impact of all kinds of facilities . Indeed , the business strives to preserve