Supply Chain World Volume 10, Issue 3 Volume 10, Issue 3 | Page 46


Pioneering products

How leading manufacturer , Alps Alpine , is perfecting the art of electronics

On January 1st 2019 , Alps Electric Co ., Ltd . and Alpine Electronics , Inc . integrated their businesses and launched Alps Alpine Co ., Ltd . ( Alps Alpine ) as a single entity . By drawing on the two companies ’ advantages in core devices , system design and software development , Alps Alpine endeavors to deliver new value to customers , and meet the needs of clients operating within a range of industry sectors .

Toshihiro Kuriyama , Representative Director , President & CEO of Alps Alpine discusses the organization ’ s position in his message taken from the company website : “ Economies , movements of people and flows of goods have become increasingly globalized ,” he opens . “ A fourth industrial revolution is also taking shape , alongside the harnessing of artificial intelligence ( AI ) and the Internet of Things ( IoT ) to progress the ongoing sophistication of communication infrastructure that is dramatically changing the way we work and lead our lives .
“ In this climate of turbulent change and transition , we sensed a need to evolve into a structure that could more effectively leverage our technological innovation and